20 odd years ago I used to get hangovers and after a night of dodgy whisky in Koh Samui I was wandering along a beach with the worst hangover ever. My peripheral vision kept on seeing neon monkeys (or perhaps sprites as in DMT)… When I looked directly at them they disappeared. I have never experienced this before or since.
2018 and I haven’t had a hangover in a decade. Clever body has adjusted. I’m still dehydrated and a bit unfocussed, but I don’t “suffer” a hangover, and it affects my day not at all.
I did have a big last night, and was at the Bowlo late arvo, a few beers in me. On my way to the bar I said hi to two people sitting by the green. I walked directly inside and those two people were already inside, separate, in conversations. I walk back outside and they weren’t there, and neither was the table they had been sitting at.
I had never experienced anything like this before. I have ruled out mental illness, it is not a good fit for this experience.
Weeks later I am in Kagoshima walking along a very busy 4 lane road for 2 hours. Bored, I decide to see if I can spot a Mitsubishi Mirage, my car at home. After 2 hours I didn’t see a single Mitsubishi car. Which should be impossible, they are made in Japan. The next day, in Beppu, I see 2 in the first minute. This glitch seems to be personal, as I saw every other car make in Kagoshima, even two Maserati. I was “technically” very hungover.
Two days later in Beppu, technically very hungover, I am on a bus in the morning. Two elderly ladies sit directly in front of me. One drops her water bottle and I almost pick it up for her but she beats me to it. I’m not paying a lot of attention, I’m watching the town go by out the window. The middle-aged couple directly in front of me, the woman raises the window blind and it hits her hat.
Then I see the elderly women leaving the bus and crossing the road. Seems that two different sets of people had been sitting in front of me at the same time. All seats were taken when they left, they hadn’t shifted seats, nor would they. And the middle-aged couple had not only just turned up.
I may be witnessing glimpses of a parallel universe. Or the Matrix could be glitching. I am not mad, and not making anything up. After the Koh Samui episode I coined the phrase “The Metaphysical Aspects of a Hangover” and I think I am not wrong. Unfortunately to study this further I will need to get dangerously drunk. $7 bottles of whisky in Japan will help…
These are only the cases I have noticed. Numerous times I think people appear/disappear but I have been putting it down to not paying attention.
The only other similar experiences have been on LSD. I sensed it was a way of seeing the true underlying structure of reality. I might be creating similar experiences without a drug. I’m going to take this as far as I can. Worst case scenario I will go mad. Best case, I’ll work out some really important shit about reality.
UPDATE: My son told me of a similar glitch on a school camp, where an object (that had been creeping him out) moved to another room on its own. He provided plenty of detail and I believe him.
These glitches cannot be a glimpse of a whole parallel universe, because too many other things would be different as well.
The glitch only involves something or someone interacted with or consciously thought about.
That thing or person is replaced or moved. This information (unless I am mad) for the thing or object must come from a parallel universe, the past or the future. Possibly all three are essentially the same thing anyway.
The possibility of such glitches (and belief in my case) means that many paranormal things could be explained as being the same phenomena…
- UFOs could be a glitch from the future where the sky is full of such craft
- Yetis and the Loch Ness Monster could be a creature from the past
- Ghosts could be real people from the past, and activated by people thinking a place is haunted
Which then brings up the question of evidence. Had I been filming my glitches, what would be on the film? A camera isn’t conscious, can’t interact, and therefore is not a participant in the glitch. The glitch would not be filmed. So, no evidence, but it would help the experiencer to know the camera didn’t see it.
There’s also the issue of why/how this is happening. I presume it happens all the time, and it is just rare to notice it. Or only certain people experience it, like the 1% of people who see UFOs or are shaman/witches.
If we live in a simulation, then these are discrete objects being momentarily swapped in and out – a simulation would work at object level.
If this is not a simulation, then nature itself is object based. Bodies of objects like the sea and beaches (billions of water and sand objects) don’t count. So if one piece of sand glitches, or a drop of water, nobody will notice. But nature must consider a person to be a single object, and not a collection of smaller objects (organs, blood or even atoms).
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