— Bob-a-job-alog-a-roonie

TB Becoming Resistant

The other day I was watching Bright Star about poet Keats and his Fanny, and of course just like every other movie set back then, he coughed up some blood and knew it was all over. Tuberculosis was rampant historically, but thanks to antibiotics it has all but disappeared from western society.

Until now 🙁 Like every other bug out there, it is developing strains resistant to antibiotics. So I’d like to go against the opinion of most conspiracy theorists and suggested our government(s) start vaccinating us.

There was a 30 per cent jump in Australian cases of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) from 2007 to 2009, while last year saw the nation record another rare case of even harder to kill XDR-TB.

Don’t let anyone cough on you!