The Victorian Election
I’m interested in politics, and would like to be involved one day. Victoria has a state election next weekend. I can’t stand Matthew Guy, he appears to be corrupt and not too bright, and so I won’t be voting for Liberal, regardless of how much I might like their candidates. Labor have been doing an OK job, and I don’t mind them staying in power, as I expect they will.
I figure the Liberals will fail badly next weekend, and it will be the beginning of the end for them altogether…
I have my own policies at my fantasy political party, New Foundation. (The site and policies are incomplete, but still quite substantial for what it is…). They include an end to pay on time electricity discounts, something Choice is also advocating for.
I sense that there are some minor parties with encouraging levels of support that have similar aims, goals and policies. If they were to form an alliance they could be a serious factor. All they need to do is acknowledge that they like certain policies of the other parties (and indicate where they disagree on anything), and then have a shared advertising platform.
The only policies that all 3 publicly agree on are decriminalising drugs, and restricting political donations. But I’m sure they would agree on many others, like free ambulances, big bank levies, container deposit scheme, and capping rent increases.
The Greens Party has the most comprehensive policies, many of which have been costed. I understand that smaller parties don’t have the resources to do the same.
I’ve indicated where the other parties have similar policies…
- More trams (much needed at rush hour, they are over-crowded), upgrade train signalling (every govt ignores this, because this fix will enable more trains to run, and de-privatising public transport. (+Reason)
- Require 30% of new big apartment developments to be public, community or other affordable housing, providing more homes for Victorians.
- A Big Bank levy
- Container Deposit Scheme (has worked well in South Australia)
- Funding TAFEs better (+Sustainability)
- Banning all online betting agency ads from public spaces and sporting venues, and increasing the tax they pay (+Sustainability)
- Ending pokies (+Reason, +New Foundation)
- Free ambulances – which is already happening in other states – is a no brainer. Everyone should be covered for ambulance cover, and those who can least afford it (or don’t even realise they need it) end up paying a lot when the time comes. Net cost to everyone stays the same, it just comes from the state via us, instead of directly from us.
- Decriminalising drugs (at a national level) and setting up pill testing. (+Reason, +Sustainability)
- Capping annual rent increases (I can’t think of any argument against this…)
The Reason Party (previously called the Sex Party) also have these policies which I like:
- Tax religions
- Greater security for long-term renters (they don’t expand on this…)
- Insist on evidence, research and expert knowledge in support of proposed policies (+New Foundation)
And there is also the Sustainability Party
- Their key issue is reducing immigration. Something than most Australians would choose, but politicians presumably won’t because it affects economic growth numbers. (+New Foundation)
- Enable citizen initiated referenda or plebiscites to give the people a proper say on important issues like euthanasia, immigration, republic, casinos, etc (+New Foundation)
- Restricting foreign investment / ownership
- Restricting political donations (the other 2 parties here agree, the big parties don’t, of course…)
- De-privatising energy, water etc (+New Foundation)
OK, the main parties do have one other policy I like:
Labor – subsidise rooftop solar power (why haven’t the Greens said the same?)