— Bob-a-job-alog-a-roonie

Vegan Hypocrisy

I love vegans, can’t stand militant vegans (there’s a war a’comin’), wish I was vegetarian, love meat, would choose to eat 7 year old mutton over lamb, and love a good argument.

In some places avocados are produced in a way detrimental to bees. Does that make vegans hypocrites? No, they are doing the best they can – they can’t ever be 100% vegan.

I would vote for a totally vegetarian world, but I won’t choose it on my own. I would happily live where you had to kill (and dress etc) what you ate, but those places are rare. So I am like most people in a modern world, with so much other stuff going on – I take the lazy, easy, what I feel like approach to food.


The Carnivore > Vegan scale is like sexuality, it is a sliding scale full of confusion, debate and denial. Hopefully we will decide that everyone is on the spectrum somewhere, and there is no right or wrong. Unlike sexuality we can make a conscious choice though, and so your place on the diet spectrum can change. And is more likely to change with education and (perhaps) religion.


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