— Bob-a-job-alog-a-roonie

Not a Fan of Society?

This is unworkable because Australian land belongs to the first inhabitants, and no government would ever do this. Otherwise…

There will always be people who have ideas and opinions that are not conducive with being a part of a society:

  • Criminals
  • Tax evaders
  • Anti-vaxxers
  • White nationalists

and so on… I love it if we could say to these people, if you don’t want to play ball, fuck off!

Australia is mostly a giant, arid, unproductive, worthless desert. We could fence off a few million square miles and call it the “Free Land”. Anyone who doesn’t want to conform can go live there.

  • No public transport, or even roads or rail or airports – you’ll need a 4WD vehicle to get there
  • No taxes
  • No police
  • No hospitals
  • No welfare

I’m serious. Being a part of society isn’t a spectrum – it is binary, you are in, or you are out. It would be nice to tell people where to go.


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