TV Idea: Mob Vet
AKA: Vet For Hire
Plenty of times in movies/tv, when a criminal is shot, they go to a vet to be treated.
There’s potential for a tv series to revolve around such a vet.
The mob aspect is important, but doesn’t need to be what the show is only about – after all, bad guys don’t get shot every day.
The vet could be a woman, but is someone who doesn’t get a lot of business because of X (midget, ugly, Tourette’s whatever). So their clientele tend to be oddball, and income low.
The vet is older and has a dark past unrelated to the vet profession. Possibly a serious drug problem. Vets can get drugs…
Might work for owners of illegal exotic animals, or pet thieves, or dodgy horse trainers.
Better Call Saul vibe