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Study: LSD = Reality

I can’t believe that this study didn’t make the headlines around the world.

You probably know that the world you sense is not the full picture – there are depths of coloration most of us don’t see, sounds too high or low to hear, radio signals we don’t sense and so on. They are due to a lack of senses to detect them.

However, we also have filters in our brains that stop us noticing certain things that we can sense – to stop overload.

And a study has shown that LSD stops some of those filters from working.

“Brain scans of individuals high on the drug revealed that the chemical allows parts of the cortex to become flooded with signals that are normally filtered out to prevent information overload.”

How magical is that – take a dose and see a more real version of the world around us. Those Beatles were onto something!

“The world around us is not the world we perceive because the thalamus filters out what it considers to be irrelevant information,” said Katrin Preller, a researcher on the project at the University Hospital for Psychiatry in Zurich. “We don’t necessarily perceive all there is because that would be an overload of information.”


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