Some people are good at procrastinating, but it only works if deadlines are involved.
I have many things I would like to achieve, but none of them have deadlines.
The alternative is to just do it. Not easy, but I have just done it previously. And I will, starting a week from now 😉
- Stop penny-pinching. I am no longer poor and it is a poor use of my energy
- Have one vegetarian day per week
- Build, finish and promote my Ugg boot and hiccup websites
- Sell my AdWords expertise at a much higher rate. I am worthy
- Complete my Noah’s Ark solution and get a Nat Geo doco made, in Iran
- Stop drinking in non-drinking situations (just slipped than in there, thinking nobody would notice)
- No more inappropriate drugs either
- Destroy Facebook with a better, free, alternative. And sell it to Google for $$$
- Get out of St Kilda, and Australia, more
- Be in places where I can find someone nice to hang out with
- Talk to more strangers, I’m actually good at it
- Oh, and change the world, again. I’m good at that also