— Bob-a-job-alog-a-roonie

The Family Fold-Out

In the future I envisage a shrine room of sorts in the family home. A room for meditation, arts, weights and remembrance. Mood music. Pot plants and filtered sunlight and a gentle breeze.

The centerpiece is in the corner. A bi-fold concertina that has images of the most recent generation at the forefront. Each layer behind has the generation before – in images or stories.

Hidden to all but those who wish to look back.

It could be scrapbook-esque, or multimedia.

In the past, all people generally had of their long-dead relatives is a few black and white photos. In the future we’ll have social media posts, videos, 3D figurines and much, much more. And as organised religion fades, perhaps honouring your ancestors will make a return?

This person is on a similar track but I’m thinking TV cabinet size:


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