USA: Antidepressant Nation
[I wouldn’t be surprised if Australia and other western countries are nearly as bad…]
- In excess of 1 in 10 Americans older than 12 are now taking antidepressants prescribed by their doctors.
- More than 60% of patients prescribed antidepressants say they have been taking them for over 2 years, and 14 percent for more than 10 years! Pretty strange for a spectrum of drugs that are intended to only be used in the short-term…
- Most patients do not receive a second opinion, even if they are on multiple antidepressants
- 1 in 4 patients are admittedly misdiagnosed with depression by their health care provider
That’s a whole lot of people taking medication for no reason, and that medication can cause a variety of side effects, including suicide.
Depression is a natural process for the most part, and attempting to quick fix it with drugs is a tragedy. Tens of millions of people are living their life in a fog 🙁