— Bob-a-job-alog-a-roonie

Root-A-Round in the Amazon

In most of the Amazonian tribes studied, it’s quite normal and OK for a child to have multiple dads, due to the mum not knowing who the real dad is, and not knowing that multiple dads is not a physical possibility.

The benefits are good:

First, secondary fathers gave gifts and helped support the child, boosting child survival rates. Second, brutal warfare was common in ancient Amazonia; under multiple paternity a child who lost a father could still have a father figure. In addition, women believed in essence that multiple sexual partners provided the benefit of larger gene pools for their children.

Men also gained from the multiple paternity system be cause they were able to formalize alliances with other men by sharing wives, added Walker. He hypothesizes that multiple paternity also strengthened family bonds, as brothers of ten shared wives in some cultures.

First, sec ond ary fa thers gave gifts and helped sup port the child, boost ing child sur viv al rates. Sec ond, bru tal war fare was com mon in an cient Ama zo nia; un der mul ti ple pa tern ity a child who lost a fa ther could still have a fa ther fig ure. In ad di tion, wom en be lieved in es sence that mul ti ple sex u al part ners pro vid ed the ben e fit of larg er gene pools for their chil dren.

Men al so gained from the mul ti ple pa tern ity sys tem be cause they were able to for mal ize al liances with oth er men by shar ing wives, added Walk er. He hy poth e sizes that mul ti ple pa tern ity al so strength ened family bonds, as broth ers of ten shared wives in some cul tures.