Saturday, August 22, 2009

Water, Light & Quantum Physics 

Re­search­ers say the mo­lec­u­lar struc­ture of wa­ter can be com­pared to a crowd­ed res­tau­rant with a dance floor, where pa­trons—the “mol­e­cules”—al­ter­nate­ly switch be­tween danc­ing ex­cit­ed­ly, and sit­ting in or­derly fash­ion at ta­bles.
Now we have an interesting situation. Light can be in wave or particle form, and water can be sitting or dancing. These two fundamental requirements for life (I know there are creatures living in the dark, but they must rely on light indirectly...) can come in two quite different states at the molecular level. We also know that in quantum physics things can be in different states, depending on observation.

What if the power of light and water arises from them having quantum abilities at a more macro level than anything else? What if the answer to quantum physics is to look at it as if the particles act like water or light?

Could it be that simple?

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