Friday, February 08, 2008

Archbishop: Flee England! 

Of course he didn't say that, but it is what many English folk are starting to think, and his recent comments are only going to add to their feeling of no longer belonging in their own country:
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, spiritual leader of the world's Anglicans, said on Thursday the introduction in Britain of some aspects of sharia, Islamic law, was unavoidable.
Read the rest of the story here, but there is no need, for the trend is what matters, and the trend is that eventually England will be a Muslim state.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

America Alone by Mark Steyn 

I came across it by accident, read it while in the UK, and I was riveted.

Not in a happy way.

Steyn's basic premise is that before too long there will be a non-Muslim country called the USA, and the rest of the world will be Muslim, and will be their enemy.

It's outrageous, but he's exaggerating to make a point.

Many points that are detailed in his book give me concern:

Italy and Spain have a fertility rate of 1.2. You need 2.2 to maintain the same level of population. With such a low birth-rate, the only way of supporting the elderly in future years is by either having more kids, or immigration.

In Britain, some government offices have removed the English flag because it is offensive to Muslims (due to the Crusades 1000 years ago).

Strict Muslims tend to put their religion ahead of their country of residence.

Dubai is spending its oil money on developing their country as a tourist destination. Saudi Arabia is spending their oil money on spreading the Muslim gospel around the globe.

(those four points combined should allow you to work out what Mr Steyn is saying...)

Read his book, no matter who you are, or what you think. It will stimulate necessary debate, and he's funny.

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